Monday, May 9, 2011

Some Technical Difficulties...

So, I didn't expect to get very much response to my creative endeavors here, but someone pointed out that my comment settings made it impossible for anyone without a registered account to post comments. So that has been remedied...we'll see if it changes the post traffic.

Also, I apologize for any formatting issues - Blogger and I have a shaky relationship at best, and it seems to be fond of putting large gaps between paragraphs when I only want one space.

Anyone who knows more about these contraptions, feel free to point out any further tips. Darn kids and them Blag-o-whats-its.


  1. You can preview before you publish. I post photos in the html setting but do the writing part in the other and then preview before the final okee dokee. Plus, it is super easy to edit and re-publish once you have done the initial--click on the little pencil, make changes and click Publish again. How many times can you use the word 'publish' in a paragraph?

  2. It might also help with views if you told ALL your friends that you had a blog. :P

  3. A Wild Faye appears!
    Go Kouga!
    Kouga uses Bad Explination!
    It's Not Very Effective.
    Wild Faye Used Troll Forums!
    It's Super Effective!
